
In Memory of Kristin Kay Smith, 10/1/1986 – 12/29/2000

Our appreciation to CR (Original poster: Virginia Wiersma) March 29, 2003

Filed under: The forum from the old website — Taryn @ 2:22 am

We thank you CR for the many hours you have spent setting up and maintaining this wonderful site where we can share memories and express our love for Kristin. I am sure it is an encouragement to Taryn, Amber and Cheyenne.

You are a blessing to us.

Mom and Dad


Kristin on TV (Original poster: Audrey Heyob) March 20, 2003

Filed under: The forum from the old website — Taryn @ 6:58 am

I just wanted to post a message and tell everyone that the other night I was watching TV and it was pretty late at night. A commercial came on TV for the Tucson Childrens Museum and I was half watching it till I saw a Blond hair girl in a BRIGHT yellow shirt holding a tarantula in her hand. I jumped up and started yelling “Thats Kristin” everyone that was around thought I was absolutely crazy. I called Taryn right away. I have seen the pamphlet of her holding the tarantula, that is why I am sure it caught my eye.

Also this past weekend Taryn and I were Traveling from Laughlin, NV and even though we had a map several comments were made about are you sure we are on the right road as the road we were traveling on seemed pretty empty, Everytime I asked that or a comment was made about it a rainbow appeared and I told Taryn it was Kristin telling us we were on the right road. Thanks Kristin.


Something good in the news (Original poster: Shelly L.) March 13, 2003

Filed under: The forum from the old website — Taryn @ 4:30 am

I am so happy today for the good news that Elizabeth Smart, the teenage girl from Utah, has been found safe and is back with her loved ones. When she was taken from her bedroom 9 months ago, my heart went out to her family for the loss of their beautiful blonde-haired, talented, 14 year old little girl. What joy that they have been reunited here on this earth. God does answer prayers.


To Stephanie (Original poster: Haley Henning) March 11, 2003

Filed under: The forum from the old website — Taryn @ 5:11 am

I didn’t see your message at first so my mom pointed it out to me. Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my post and adding one yourself. I know everyone appreciates it. How are you doing? I am finishing up my senior year and I have a part time job that has been keeping me busy. What is Natalie up to?

Love, Haley


To Haley (Original poster: Shelly L.)

Filed under: The forum from the old website — Taryn @ 12:00 am

See message above from Stephanie Quimby-Greene. I didn’t know if you saw it because it didn’t appear at the end of the message string.